RARE Helpline
The RARE Helpline aims to provide timely access to information and answer key questions people living with a rare and complex disease often face. The RARE Helpline is staffed by Rare Voices Australia personnel, including those with qualifications in psychology, social work, and Mental Health First Aid.
The RARE Helpline is not a crisis or emergency service.
In the event of an emergency, please call an ambulance on 000, or these support lines:
Lifeline 24-hour Counselling: 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467

Call for Assistance
0499 549 629
The RARE Helpline operates
Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (AEST)
What is the RARE Helpline?
The RARE Helpline is a service navigation and information helpline that can assist you in finding more information and support for rare diseases.
The RARE Helpline can:
- Support people to connect with existing reliable information.
- Provide resources that respond to people’s specific needs.
- Help to increase people’s health literacy and engagement with care and support services.
- Assist in connecting people with existing health services where possible.
The RARE Helpline CANNOT provide medical advice, interpret medical records, or recommend specific health professionals.